Brother Joseph Daniel (Dan) Bruce
Social Worker/Ordained Minister
Daniel Bruce has been a part of Beautiful Feet Ministries since 2007. Beautiful Feet Ministries is his home church, where he has been active in preaching and teaching as a volunteer. Daniel utilizes his professional skill set to help the patients with the health care team at Beautiful Feet in the Medical Clinic. Daniel has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2021.
Daniel’s work experience includes being a mental health provider, administrator in healthcare organizations, and government grants manager for homeless and low income citizens in the DFW area since 1989. In 2019 he founded Elder Care Solution Services, Inc. a mental health counseling and care management service for the elderly and disabled. Daniel also works for the Federal Government assisting Veterans in the Department of Veteran Affairs.
Daniel has a Bachelor Degree from the University of Central Missouri and Master of Science in Social Work degree from the University of Texas Arlington. In 2022 he received a Master in Theological Studies degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Daniel is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, a Certified Case Manager, and an Ordained Minister.