David Pearson
Criminal Defense Attorney
David and his family have been serving at Beautiful Feet family for over 10 years. He and his wife Candice have been married for 30 years and they have three children who have all served alongside them while at the Feet. David and his family lead our clothing ministry one Sunday each month along with volunteers from their community and home church.
When they are not busy with work, school, or extracurricular activities, the Pearsons enjoy eating together as a family, swimming, biking, and just spending quality time together. During the summers, they like to take trips to Colorado, where they hike “fourteeners,” which are mountains that exceed 14,000 feet in elevation.
David has been a member of Springtown Church of Christ for 20 years. He is a Board Certified Criminal Defense Attorney of 32 years. He has a BBA in Finance from Abilene Christian University and a Juris Doctorate from Baylor University School of Law.
The best times they have together as a family are when they are just enjoying God’s creation and spending quality time with one another. Volunteering at the Feet has definitely made a huge impact on their family and in their daily lives. When they decided to take on this task four years ago, they were doing it in order to bless other people, but they found that each Sunday when they left, they were the ones who came back blessed.