Mike Myers
Mike MyersPastor/Director & Founder
Mike has served as pastor and director since the beginning in 1981, providing vision, guidance and daily leadership. Mike is a graduate of Mississippi State University in Pre-Veterinary Science and holds a Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Mike and his wife, Sarah, have five children.
Sarah Myers
Sarah MyersMinistry Relations
Sarah has served since the beginning in 1982, providing leadership to volunteer and mission teams coming to Beautiful Feet from across the United States and the children’s ministry. Sarah is a graduate of Auburn University with a Bachelor of Social Work and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity.
Erik Olson
Erik OlsonPastor of Administration
Since 2013, Erik has help run the day-to-day operations. Erik has been gifted by the Lord in the areas of administration, teaching, and preaching. Erik has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Arkansas at Monticello and a Masters of Christian Education from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife Sarah have three children.
Pam Auzza
Pam AuzzaDirector of Women's Discipleship
Pam has served as the kitchen manager, teacher, and speaker at the Feet for many years and is now also our Women’s Home Director. She effectively ministers to all who come for a hot meal or to serve alongside her in the kitchen. Pam is a graduate of Teen/Life Challenge. She has 6 children and many grand children
Will Adams
Will AdamsDirector of Men's Discipleship
Will was born in Shreveport, Louisiana and raised in California. He and his wife Cathy attended ministry training at Crenshaw Christian Center of Los Angeles, Ca., from 1998-2000. Upon graduation they moved to Texas. They have four children and five grandchildren. Will is an ordained elder.
Richard Hansford
Richard HansfordDonation Driver
Most of our food is donated by local restaurants and business. Richard makes sure all the food is picked up and delivered safely and properly. He is a retired pastor and has a passion for prison ministry. He regularly attends prison events in Texas. Richard is married and has four children and three grandchildren.
Glenn Stanley
Glenn StanleyYouth Minister
Glenn has been working with our youth for over a decade. He has a heart to see inner city youth come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and to see their lives transformed. A mover by trade, Glenn lives in Weatherford and he and his wife Angelea have 4 children and 3 grandchildren.
Jeni Parker
Jeni ParkerMinistry Assistant
Jeni is from Arlington, TX and is a hairdresser by trade. Jeni manages our office and provides the homeless with a warm smile and helps with any needs that arise and responds to emails and phone calls. She has 4 children and says that “Beautiful Feet is her favorite place to be”.